Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fly Tying Tip: Streamer Extension

I've been using this technique for about a year, but it is the first time I used a coastal lock/clip instead of a barrel swivel. Basically what this allows you to do is if you want to run a tandem streamer rig, you can switch the back fly and leader extremely quickly. Not only does it make it easier to put a second streamer on, but it also allows you to make your streamer look bigger. You can easily slide an ordinary rabbit strip zonker, woolley bugger, or literally any type of fly that makes the streamer looks bigger. 

Tie a coastal lock in the same way you would tie in a loop for a stinger hook. I used two pieces of backing and I put both pieced through the hole at the top of the coastal lock and then tightly secured the backing to the hook shaft. This coastal lock can be opened and then a fly or leader can be slipped onto it and then it is closed. Tie whatever pattern you want for the fly the same way you would if the lock wasn't there. 
Example of the lock with the pattern. where it gets light in the back is where the second hook is. 

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