Sunday, July 10, 2011

Paddy Sr. Pheasant Tail

This one will be called the Paddy Sr. Nymph because of its simplicity. There is nothing complicated to it and it is a very easy and quick tie. Its not original, just a variation of the affective pheasant tail pattern. I think it is just easier to tie. Works the same.

Hook: traditional nymph hook
Thread: 12/0
Materials: Pheasant tail, dubbing, bead head, wire.
Tools: Vise, scissors, bobbin, whip finish tool.

Step 1: slide bead head onto the hook. Start thread behind bead head and spin a small amount of dubbing behind bead head.

Step 2: in the back of the fly tie in a piece of wire.

Step 3: tie in a pinch of pheasant tail in the same spot you tied in the wire. (5 pheasant tail fibers will work)

Step 4: dub the body giving it a natural taper.

Step 5: hold the pheasant tail down with your hand and wrap the wire up the body. Tie off the wire and clip any extra.

Step 6: wrap the pheasant tail around the hook shank to make a thicker body behind the bead head. Tie off pheasant tail and clip any extra

Step 7: whip finish and apply head cement.

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