Thursday, November 18, 2010

lithe leech

Hook: size 6 octopus hook, a cheaper hook that you don't cutting.
Thread: Orvis 8/0 thread
Material: wire, 5" piece of backing, one 3" strip of rabbit fur, one 6" strip of rabbit fur, conehead weight, dubbing, super glue.
Tools: vise, bobbin, scissors, whip finish tool, pliers.

This is a leech pattern that was designed for steelhead/trout or fish living in rivers that will eat a 3" or 4" leech. The targeted size is  3" or 4" inches in length, but can be tied in larger sizes for bigger fish. Can be fished on the swing, drifted through a run, or stripped through a pool. With some modification, this pattern could be adapted so it could be fished in a pond or lake for different species of fish.

Step 1: thread a cone onto the hook shank. Secure in place by wrapping a base of wire around the hook shank and sliding it towards the eye of the hook as far as it can go. Start the thread on the hook shank and secure the wire so it can't spin.

Step 2: Form a "U" with the backing and secure the two ends of the backing so the "U" comes off the back of the hook shank. The backing should be 2 inches long off the back of the hook shank. (make sure the backing is secured because it will be taking a lot of pressure from the fish). Once everything is secured whip finish and apply head cement. 

Step 3: On the octopus hook, start the thread directly behind the hook eye.

Step 4: Tie in the end of the leather on the rabbit strip on one side of the octopus hook.

Step 5: On the other side tie in the other rabbit strip. Again, tie in the end of the hide/leather of the rabbit strip. Once the rabbit strips are secured, whip finish and apply head cement. 

Step 6: take the backing and thread the end of the "U" shape through the eye of the octopus hook. Then pull the end of the hook and the rabbit strips through the loop that is formed by the backing. When done properly it will make it so the octopus hook is attached to the backing loop. Make sure the hook point is up so it wont get snagged. 

(This is what it should look like at this point.)

Step 7: Take the rabbit strips and pull the to the front hook. Tie both of them  down even with the hook point. Clip any extra rabbit fur on the shorter rabbit strip. LEAVE THE END OF THE LONG RABBIT STRIP!!

Step 8: Once both rabbit strips have been secure, wrap the thread to the front of the fly and apply super glue to the hook shank. Then wrap the rabbit strip around the hook shank so the leather part of the rabbit strip is on the bottom. 

Step 9: When the rabbit fur is wrapped all the way up to the front of the fly behind the conehead tie off the rabbit strip and clip the tag end. Then tie in a hackle feather at the base of the feather so the widest part of the feather is at the bottom. 

Step 10: Wrap the hackle around the fly 4-6 times so it creates an adequate collar. Once the collar has been formed tie off the hackle feather and clip the extra end of the feather. Spin dubbing around the thread and wrap 1 wrap of dubbing in front of the collar. 

Step 11: Whip finish and apply head cement. After the head cement dries, use the plies to cut/break off the hook of the first hook (NOT THE OCTOPUS HOOK) so the only part of the first hook is the hook shank.

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